No Results After Synch

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No Results After Synch

Post by GSL »

I am using a trial of EZOutlook Sync Pro. My source is an Outlook.pst on a W7 desktop. The target is a .pst on a W10 tablet. The Sync program is running on the W7 machine. I am only syncing a single Calendar. The Sync says it has completed successfully but no calendar items are showing up in the Calendar on the target. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. The Outlook-Android Sync from the same source to my Android phone works properly.

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Re: No Results After Synch

Post by admin »

Could you please forward us a screenshot of the detailed summary window that's being shown before sync?
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Re: No Results After Synch

Post by GSL »

Have you reviewed the screenshot I sent yesterday?

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Re: No Results After Synch

Post by admin »

I'll check that out. Thanks!
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Re: No Results After Synch

Post by GSL »

Any luck determining the cause of this problem?

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Re: No Results After Synch

Post by admin »

The summary window says there's 13 events as on the target as on the source side. Can you see them on both sides? If not, please create a new test event and synchronize. Will it be shown then? Thanks.
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