Calendar sync issues

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Calendar sync issues

Post by woodp »

Looking for an Android-Sync replacement for my Pixel 2, but struggling. Essentially, I don't necessarily want to sync, but copy all Outlook contacts/data to Pixel 2. "Capture.jpg" shows what I'm trying to do. "Capture_2.jpg" shows the sync worked.

However, the calendar syncing went in both directions (?) and replicated some calendar data. I've now tried a half-dozen sync attempts and have multiple entries for each calendar event. THEN, it gets interesting. Attempting to close the app gives me this error (capture_3.jpg) and note the "sync direction" resets to its default value!

There's actually another error message but this forum only accepts three attachments. The fourth attachment is essentially an error message saying "Error: Access violation at 0x779DDD27 (tried to write to 0x000A0FFC), program terminated."

Before I purchase this software, I'd like it to work with my system. Any thoughts?
Capture.jpg (140.27 KiB) Viewed 32531 times
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Re: Calendar sync issues

Post by admin »

Please forward me the latest log file via PM (you can access it by clicking on Tools->Last log), will check what's going on with the sync. Thanks.
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Re: Calendar sync issues

Post by woodp »

Um, I'm not happy with that suggestion. You're asking for copies of *all* sync activities and that contains my entire, 800-person contact list (phones and email addresses), calendar, notes and tasks. And the file is 1,580K. That's huge!

If you can indicate what pieces of information you need, I'll be happy to forward it, but I can't forward my entire phone contents ...

And now I'm going to have to clean up my Outlook PST file again. I need to delete ~1900 bogus contact entries.
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Re: Calendar sync issues

Post by admin »

You can simply remove data for most of the contacts in the middle of the log file, if you don't wish to include it. We mostly need info about your events so that we can see what's causing their incorrect sync, plus additional data for the end part of the log file where the AV error is recorded. Thanks!
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