Deleted calandar events do not sync to phone

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Deleted calandar events do not sync to phone

Post by smabey »

I created a new event in Outlook Calendar and sync’d to Android. Noted event was present in Android calendar.

Subject: “Test Deletion – Outlook to Android”
Event Time: 10:30 – 12:30
Event Date: 14 May 2019

In Outlook calendar deleted the event
Sync’d with “Synchronize Deletions” option selected,
Event still present in Android calendar!

Additionally 3 events I added directly in Android calendar have been deleted after performing ‘Sync Deletions’ above.

6 April – “1.1459 EUR”
8 April – “1.1473 EUR”
9 April – “1.1446” EUR”

 the log file i supplied to you on 9th april

Looking forward to advice.

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Re: Deleted calandar events do not sync to phone

Post by admin »

There was no mentioning of the “Test Deletion – Outlook to Android” event in the log file. so cannot comment on that part of the question, unfortunately.

The three events you mentioned in the second part were deleted before the synchronization took place according to the log file.

Would you be able to reproduce the problem if you repeat the above steps?
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