Auto Sync Problem with 1.32

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Auto Sync Problem with 1.32

Post by Greg »

Hi Admin or Max,

I decided to give the Auto Sync function a try. Nice job on the implementation. However I do have a problem that I hope you can help me with. The first Auto Sync I tried did not do anything. When I looked
at the log file it only contained Start synchronizing, Source, Target, Synchronization Mode and then Synchronization finished. None of the folders were compared. I realized right away what the problem was.
The folder selections are saved in the profile. I had just run an manual
sync which clears the folders selections after completion. When the auto
sync ran it looked in the profile for folder selections and found none. I verified this by doing the following. I invoked the application and then selected my folders. I then exited without running a manual sync. I then ran another Auto Sync. Sure enough the log file showed that all of my selected folders were compared. This is a real problem. I feel that it is unacceptable to have to remember to reset your folder selections after you run a manual sync before you exit the application. I think most users that are using the Auto Sync will also be doing manual sync's. If they forget to reset thier folders selections then the Auto Sync will do nothing. This problem could be solved by not clearing the folder selections after a manual sync. I am not sure why you are clearing the selections anyway? Even for users that are not using the Auto Sync it would be nice to return to the application with your last folder selections in place. Please help me to solve this problem. Thanks for your support...
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Post by admin »

Greg, thanks, the point taken. We'll make some improvements concerning this option in the next version of EZOS.

Post by Greg »

Hi Amin,

Thanks for the reply. We will live with this issue for now. I forgot to
mention something in my post. Perhaps you could add a switch that would control the clearing of user selections. Maybe have the switch set to unchecked as a default. This would mean that the selections would be cleared. If the switch is checked then the selections would not be cleared. This implementaion would allow existing users to not notice a change in the way the application currently functions while still allowing the flexability for those who wish to retain folder selections. Thanks again for your support.
Site Admin
Posts: 661
Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 5:21 pm

Post by admin »

Sounds logical. Most likely will implement this option in the next version too. Thanks for suggestion :)

Thanks for sharing!

Post by JT »

Thanks for posting this! I was having the same probem and couldn't figure out why the autosync wouldn't run. Opened the manual sync and checked the boxes, exited, and everything runs fine now.

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